
“It will not bother me in the hour of death to reflect that I have been “had for a sucker” by any number of imposters; but it would be a torment to know that one had refused even one person in need.”  C.S. Lewis

A great thought to ponder as we leave our comfortable churches only to shun the hands on the corner asking for help.

Pathway Gesture


Trekking up a shaded path just relaxing and pushing myself on feels pretty good. I sense it’s more than a physical test but rather a need to keep moving forward. Sometimes I just need to have that outward experience of an inside thought. Since I can’t always see the fullness of my thoughts it’s nice to see something manifested in following a trail to its end.

My husband was with me this afternoon and he likes to tease me that I can be rather driven so I tried to have an easier pace. He likes to shoot (camera folks) the local wildlife. Now mind you I don’t mean lions and tigers and bears but today it was some miniscule lizard! Just stopping and waiting patiently for him to get the “right shot” was pleasing to him so I didn’t mind the hold up.

On the way back we came across a scene that bothered us. Several days earlier we had seen some teens on a steep hill using cardboard to surf a slick grassy area. Seemed harmless enough and we didn’t want to bother them so we kept moving. Today we saw all the leftover trash of the cardboard strewn about this hill, no teens in sight.

My first thought was sadness at seeing the trash and wondering if anyone would clean it up. A second thought followed just as quickly….”why don’t you?” I stopped and looked at my husband. I won’t tell you the full conversation, but he loves me enough to have trekked up and down that steep hill to help me pile all the trash near the pathway at the bottom. There was too much and it was too bulky to take with us, but we hope the gesture will draw enough attention to have others help us do what needs to be done. If not we will carry some trash bags with us for a couple of weeks.

New Band On The Block

There’s a new band on the block and lucky us get to have them practicing right next door. Learning to have even more patience is testing me again. Most of me just wants to knock on the garage and give them a truthful review so they will disband right then and there, never again to pick up a guitar pick. I wonder if it would be doing them a favor to smash the dream before it ever takes a foothold?

Nah, I’m pretty sure that thought is “wrong” but lacking maturity I took it out to play with it for a few minutes anyway.

Shock Or Confession Value…You Decide

Rebellion! Acts of defiance! What do these look like today? Once again, all I can offer are insights into my own life which I’m sure vary in wide degrees to all of yours. I have a struggle to be totally open but it’s only in such sacrificial acts of my privacy do I truly offer myself over to the freedom I deeply desire to step into.

Tonight, I’d have to confess my defiance is rather tame for what I am capable of. I tried to fill my aggressive attitude with words that agree with my aggravation. (For the guessers in the crowd, no I didn’t mean cursing!) I could fill this page with tantalizing tidbits of other acts but I had to stop and ask, why? Would I be helping anyone with my details that I can sin with the best of them, or would I be offering tales for “show”!

Shock value has mass appeal to the world and confession has healing value to ourselves. Where do we decide what that line is? I can only offer the questions but it’s you who have to answer for yourselves.

Wind At The Crossroads


At the crossroads I dropped to my knees

Alone before Him I cried out my pleas

No one to see me except the Lord

Reading aloud I drew my sword

Foul air blew my way

A whisper came,

Fresh wind for our day

Soon, it will be soon…

Mustard Field


Leaving behind the city limits I drove without destination in mind. I stopped near large fields of mustard and parking my car I got out to walk around for a while. I was taking in the quiet where the only conversation to be heard were the birds chirping and sharing their songs.

There was a dirt road nearby and as I so often do, I wondered where this road led to? Reflecting upon where I’ve been lately I stood there in the silence wishing I could have enough time to explore more roads. In the distance I could see sunshine begin to light up the foothills.

Cars would occasionally pass by in a hurry to get somewhere. I used to be in a hurry too. Now as I learn to slow down, I have opportunities to see more. There was so much beauty to be enjoyed looking at the empty fields and large clouds above being moved by the wind. I began to sing, letting the wind carry my song into the heavens.

Slivers Of Time


One day….one hour….one minute….one second…..Wow, don’t we all have moments like this? I often refer to this as living on the edge when the edge is literally on us!

I often wonder about the razor cutting slivers of time off our life clock……yep, I need to pay attention.

High Road

Taking the high road doesn’t feel as good as it sounds. You’d think your perspective would be “so above it” but instead, as you slog through, your feet feel heavy and tired from the slime and mud trying to stick to you.

I felt side swiped today by persons whom I keep trying to love and support, even when they act anything but lovable. I had to take myself to a quiet spot and cry over this one to my heavenly Father. My soul felt wounded in my integrity and character. As I talked to my Father the tears came and the death of my pride began once more.

As I walk this high road sometimes I feel alone but then I remember it’s a journey and I will run into my help mates just up around the bend.

1 Pet 4:8  And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

The Odd Day With Saul

We all have the odd days, and I have to say mine spun multiple directions in ways I still am not sure what to make of. I’d have to say the major portion of it was pretty good with a couple of surprises thrown in from my heavenly Father. I am a head shaker for sure when He has me meet up with strangers for “divine” moments. I consider myself pretty shy but when He’s moving me, I have but one response…..”go along for the ride and do what is asked of me“…

Today my divine meeting was with a man named Saul. In my whole life I have never actually met anyone who had that name but I certainly am familiar with the characters in the bible. When he spoke his name I instantly knew Abba was up to something, so I shook my head and just smiled again. Even the timing, circumstances and place I met him were interesting.

I was blessed to pray for this young man and afterwards he thanked me and I shook his hand. Walking away I felt giddy and asked my Father, would I see that young man again on the other side of this life?

Friends By A Fire

“Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a fire?”  C.S. Lewis

I liked this thought very much. I have experienced some wonderful moments just being in the presence of others who have the same heart for Christ as I do. The love level is raised to new heights I had never experienced before.