All of us must swim the seas
coz our path’s been washed away
All of us must swim the seas
coz our path’s been washed away
My only purpose is to swim the seas
Find the truth and spread it around
Give it to the children that know how to listen
so they can pass it after I drown *
Deeper Contemplation
Contemplating the deeper things can look an awful lot like doing not much of anything to the eyes of the world.
What happens when what you were guarding against is now the very thing you are expected to guard?
Corrected Vision
Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
The world is shaking and the news is demoralizing for those who have eyes set upon the answers of man. Now is the time to reset our focus so we can have corrected vision.
Word Is A Lamp
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Little Pay
“For little pay many will undertake a long journey, but for everlasting life many will scarcely lift a foot once from the ground.” Quote by Thomas a Kempis
Speak In The Light
“Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.” Matt 10:27
Love Is The Power
Written by Ana Mendez Ferrell….”She has drunk of the blood of the Lamb. This means that she has bonded with the life, with the light that proceeds from the blood. She has drunk from all the love of total surrender contained in the blood, and for that reason, she loves in a way that cannot be overcome. She loves her neighbor to the very death. This is the greatest power in the universe, and love is the power that destroys the devil.”
“A believer’s mind is sick if he is unable to think, and his mind is equally sick if he always thinks. The minds of some are so dull through bondage that they cannot think of anything, while the minds of others are so active that they cannot call a halt to their incessant thinking.” Watchman Nee
Consumed With His Passion
“If you want to become passionate for God, your thoughts must become consumed with His passion for you.” ….After God’s Own Heart, Mike Bickle