Shofar Blows

I heard the shofar blow many times to announce war on sickness and disease….Jesus is the name for healing!


“The best fruits are plucked for each by some hand that is not his own.”     C.S. Lewis

Awaken Us

We slumber we sleep

We pray for God to keep

Awaken love

Awaken hope

Awaken us

Drawn To Go

I haven’t really wanted to go anywhere and yet for a couple days I feel completely drawn to go where I must. I don’t always know what to expect but I think that’s the point of learning to be obedient.

John 3:8  “The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”

Risk Takers Who Don’t Bat A Thousand

“This generation is a generation of risk takers. And not all the risks taken will be seen as real faith. Some will come to light as steps of foolishness and presumption. But they must be taken just the same. How else can we learn? Make room for risk takers in your life that don’t bat a thousand. They will inspire you to the greatness available in serving a Great God.”    Bill Johnson from When Heaven Invades Earth

Antidote To Pride

Proclaim the good news of His salvation
Righteousness goes before You
I have also trusted in the LORD
Do not lean on your own understanding
Eyes of your heart be enlightened