Writing For A King

“Some writings will ultimately end up in king’s palaces, as well as the prisons and rescue missions of the earth, for kings sit in both places.” Author Unknown

I recall reading these words many months ago but I didn’t make note of who wrote them. The truth of these words however made me take notice. Just look at the literature we have throughout history. Many of the greatest books ever written were never written to be books at all but simply expressed feelings someone happened to write down.

I can relate to this myself. Just as a painter needs to paint or a musician must play, I am destined to write. Our ultimate goal is one of expression and it cannot be contained. I suspect those who are unable to express themselves often feel like exploding and if a healthy outlet is not found, often they implode in a sense of failure they can’t even define.

Expression of self is found throughout history but for brevity’s sake I will only mention a couple of examples. “The Diary of Anne Frank”, the correspondence letters of our founding fathers of the United States, and much more intriguing are letters from ancient history such as the King of Persia.

None of these persons set out to write “the novel” but were simply living their lives and expressed themselves with words. Perhaps they inwardly wanted to have others read their thoughts in hopes to share something special but in all of these examples it was not possible to mass produce books. I find it telling that they wrote anyway. Without knowledge that one day their words would be read by generations throughout the world and beyond that, their expression would change how some of us think.

An interesting thought for us is this; with the internet we don’t know who may be reading our words. I can be impulsive and spew forth whatever comes into my little brain, but a statistic I heard recently stated we can have as many as 50,000 of those in a day so how do I choose which of those to express? All you have to do is surf for a minute or two to see plenty of that going on via “Myspace” pages.

Let us instead use history to teach us something important. Long after the end of ourselves in this reality, perhaps what we write will be read by others without our fore knowledge. It makes one wonder if they would write something more important than “I just read about who my favorite rock star is dating….”?

What would you write knowing you were to be read before a king?

Prince Caspian

The new Narnia movie “Prince Caspian” was interesting to me and held some surprises. I have not read the Narnia Chronicles in many years so my memory is dim about the details. The fighting and death at first seemed too much but then I am reminded, why should we try to hide these things from our children? They see it on a regular basis just flipping through television channels.
I enjoyed the truthfulness of how this movie was presented. The heroes seem less then perfect and question their own belief. What was truth in the past should still be true today but circumstances are different so their focus wavers as they look for things to be as they once were. Dealing with change is not easy and this is portrayed well in the elder brother Peter’s character as he retreats into moments of surly anger.
Overall even the battle scenes were portrayed well. The confidence shown by these characters to know they must fight regardless of not being sure when Aslan may come is a wonderful insight of ourselves. Standing strong in the face of the enemy is not a choice it’s an absolute certainty of what we have to do. Not letting themselves be frightened at the overwhelming numbers of the enemy was a stellar point to be made and was well done in this movie. Even the ending was a teaching opportunity, to not be frightened of what the future has in store even as we know changes are coming.

Ponder Your Wounds

When a soldier goes out to the battlefront, he is ready to die. It is normal for a soldier to die; it is exceptional for him to live….A soldier looks for victory, and a general is made out of wounds. Quoted by Watchman Nee

Vanity Reflections

What if everything around you Isn’t quite as it seems? What if all the world you think you know Is an elaborate dream? And if you look at your reflection Is it all you want it to be?

Lyrics by NIN

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; than I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.   1Cor 13:12

Primal Dancing

The night was dark and the air was cold. Still I danced upon the rural bridge around a small fire with my friend as we laughed together; women who were released of cares unknown. The experience of sharing such a primal dance has stayed with me over the years. I wonder, does my friend still dance and if so, what fire warms her to do so? Passion is a fire worth dancing around always.

Midnight Moon

“I lay on my back in the middle of the night looking up at the midnight moon wondering about my very existence. It was a question I wanted an answer to and yet the silence drowned me to the point of tears. There had to be more than this.”
Looking deep into the night sky I couldn’t count the stars. How could I possibly limit my future in the finite when the very heavens were infinite?

A Note From Airman Davis

From Our Armed Forces

I made a choice in posting this note, not for recognition of sending anything out, but for a very important cause to draw attention to our fellow Americans. It is inspiring to know there are still so many men and women who make the choice to give up their own freedom temporarily to follow orders so that we may continue to live in freedom. May we never forget the costs to personal individuals and their families!

Perhaps you cannot send a care package but a letter would be just as welcomed or maybe a newspaper. Even better would be to let your voice be heard that you appreciate what our troops do for us daily. Let’s see more printed copy of how we are in favor of these men and women instead of reading only about the minority opinion getting all the headlines with their critiques.

How many would agree it’s easy to second guess how our country should be run by armchair politicians who won’t even get off their duff to vote? Better still, what would you say to the thug who carries a pistol in his waistband to prove he’s a gang banger and yet has no guts to serve a tour of duty?

Justice is not blind and the righteous will be given their due. What side will you be on when the books are opened?

If you would like to write to a soldier please visit the following website address:


Mother’s Day Nod To The Boy

My track record for motherhood is a twisted tale of illogical trial and error experiments. Let me share an honest statement with you. Not many mothers know what they are doing. They wing it! If you think they don’t, just ask a woman who no longer has secrets to hide.

I feel triumphant that my son graduated school, married, found a solid job skill and now has a son of his own. It’s like a big wipe of the sweaty brow followed by the statement of wisdom, “Whew”!

My son is full of tales I’d rather he didn’t share and truth be told, I will try to sign him to a contract of non-disclosure one day. Since he’s likely to disagree with that request, it’s probably best I out myself first.

I can still recall the day I awoke with cake powder all over me. I can only surmise he was hungry and since I was still sleeping, he thought he would bring the batter to me in hopes it would cook on my warm body. Another fond memory actually took place on a “Mother’s Day” in my past. I can recall my teenage son leaning over me to awake. He was holding a breakfast plate of pancakes while it poured syrup all over my chest. An endearing memory for sure and I like to think of this one as a “sweet memory”.

In the upcoming barrage of gifts given out for “Mother’s Day” I would like to give a gift back the child who bore my constant experimentations – I love you son.

Technical Difficulties

I recently had “unexpected” down time due to technical difficulty outside of my own control. I have been assured that these difficulties have been addressed so I look forward to sharing once more and thank you for coming back again.