The Art Of Romance

The art of romance is finesse and timing. Too much and one can become wary. Too little and one begins to doubt the sincerity. I have been wooed ever so gently. At times I thought I’d be sick to my stomach from my own desires. Every nerve in my body feels electrified by nearness. My eyes scan horizons for beauty. I lay still in the night waiting to hear those whispers of love. My heart races unexpectedly when my love shows Himself, that I may recognize His beauty.

For all the ways I am drawn toward Him, I falter in my own understanding of just how much I am loved. I live the impossible dream. No man can love me this much, but it’s not man who calls me forth into this romance.

Words of the King  “…You have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes…”   SoS 4:9

Individually & Personally

What insights lay within, and yet sometimes the only way to draw them out is by asking questions. I like to think of these things as deeper thoughts we know, but haven’t yet brought to the surface for attention.

I have often been inquisitive about when Jesus asked his crew, “Who do they say I am?” Not for a moment does God not know the hearts, thoughts and words spoken by all men, so I was left to dig into this more. What was He looking for?

I didn’t have to look too far. Some great mentors put into the path of my life often teach by asking me questions. They already have the answers but rather then give me their own interpretations, they help walk me into personal revelatory experience. There is just a special joy and enthusiasm when you finally “get” the message being relayed.

Jesus already knew what people said of Him, but He especially wanted Peter to understand what a precious revelation had been given to him. It is wonderment to me that the God of the universe, and beyond, desires to teach us individually and personally.

Mat 16:15-17  “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.”

Friends For Eternity

In a field of long ago, two friends made a promise to one another; a friendship that would have eternal ramifications. One was the son of a king who had willingly relinquished his earthly authority, knowing the favor of heaven to be upon his friend. They both walked away from that field with an understanding, but without ability or freedom to communicate openly their love or friendship anymore.

It rends the heart to think of them weeping together over this bond that would never be broken, but could never be enjoyed again upon the earth. How painful to sacrifice one’s own desire for the good of another, yet it is the greatest act of love one can offer.

1 Sam 20:17 (Message) Jonathan repeated his pledge of love and friendship for David. He loved David more than his own soul!

Color Promises

Rainbow Raw

Color has been studied for years and is now commonly accepted to affect our moods, feelings and behaviors. Personally I don’t always understand the in-depth analysis of such psychobabble but there are things I readily accept. I enjoy “pretty” and respond to “ugly” with action I suspect shrinks might find telling.

I can walk a meadow of wild flowers and be taken for hours into places of joy. I can also walk into a place where only darkness can be found and want to get out as fast as possible.

Rainbows rarely show more than a few obvious colors, at least to the naked eye, but still my heartbeat picks up in pace whenever I see one. Those colors represent promise and I desire to seek my treasure wherever they may lead me to look further; over or under, I will continue to seek.

Heads Or Tails

Carl flipped the coin with gusto. As it went upwards his eyes followed and he wondered if he was the only one who noticed the coin was moving in slow motion. A crowd had gathered around him at the bar to watch how this was going to play out.

A man in a slick suit had come in an hour earlier offering to buy the drinks. His conversation was pleasant and his smile winning. He carried a charm Carl had never encountered before. At first it was just the two of them having a chat but it was as though every nearby ear was drawn to listen. People began to hush around them and pay attention to the words.

“So heaven is not real to you? So what is?” asked slick suit.

“Well, my friends, my job, my kid; although I don’t see him much, having as much fun as I can while I can; perhaps enough money to sail about the world without a time clock.” Carl answered.

“I tell you what, if you could flip a coin to have that sailboat dream or head on into the afterlife you don’t believe in, would you be ready to go? No soul preparation, no thought to the possibility there might be more, would you do it?”

Carl laughed but countered with “Why, are you going to fund my sailboat dream?”

With a smile, slick suit pulled out his wallet. He laid out fifteen bills of a thousand denomination and wrote a check for another hundred thousand, laying it on the bar before Carl. “Does that answer your question? This is only the down payment of course. There is more where this came from.”

Carl’s eyes were wide, he’d never seen so much money. Eyeing the man he asked, “So what’s the catch?”

“No catch. Flip a coin, your coin. Heads you take this money and more and sail your dreams. Tails you take this money and more, also sailing your dreams, however you never enter that heaven which is not real to you anyway.”

Watching the coin fall Carl could feel his chest tighten; this had to be a joke….

Another Lesson To Be Had

The walk back to my car wasn’t too short. Time to think. Unexpectedly I had come face to face with a truth about something in my heart. Why did I need to see it in that place and at that moment? Another lesson to be had; I side-stepped the need to beat myself up. I would never be able to concentrate on learning if I was too busy kicking myself in the let down.

Something inside me stirs…

“Do You Know What I Mean?”

“Do you know what I mean?” It’s a phrase I hear all the time and sometimes speak myself. I hear it most often in my job, although too many times my answer is “No, I don’t.” It’s not that I don’t want to; it’s simply a lack of communication. Conversation is an art, intimate at its best or combative at its worst.

I love it when someone says to me, “Do you know what I mean?”, and I can nod my head to say, “Yeah, I really do.” Be it stranger or friend, there is a satisfaction in understanding their communication. In that moment I get to experience intimacy with their thoughts.



What would the world be without mystery? I doubt many of us would enjoy ourselves if we always knew every answer and outcome. Questions pose for us the opportunity to seek out the mystery, and we often enjoy the search beyond even finding our answers. This is the very reason game shows have been, and still are, such a popular enjoyment to the public. They want to know the answers to the questions asked! Even when little prize money is to be had they stay tuned in because they want to know if their own answers are correct.

Mystery is the ultimate plot to write fiction or make a movie. We long to know the ending, but do you ever notice how short lived that satisfaction is? It’s not long before we are searching again for another mystery to be solved, no matter what the media or life issue. Even gossip functions on this level. People just want to know answers.

The desire to ask questions is a gift and the seeking of deeper mysteries will never be without fulfillment.

When The Walls Come Tumbling Down

I have to say I know what it means to “hit the wall”. Perhaps it means something different to all of us, but the impact remains the same for description. A place where we feel we cannot go any further, we feel blocked and hindered. Some look at this as emotional, financial, relational or even spiritual. No matter the wall, it just feels impassable.

I keep thinking I need to resurvey my own walls. Why do they feel insurmountable and how come I let them block my path? Walls can be so intimidating. One of the “seven wonders of the world” is the Great Wall of China. Every famous castle of note to history had serious walls of protection. To this day even, stands the most famous Wailing Wall from the age of Solomon. Although this wall seems less about hindrance and more about hope, it’s still curious to wonder why “a wall”?

More interesting though are walls once thought to be impenetrable, yet they fell. Most famously in recent history was the Berlin Wall. In most ancient history would be the walls of Jericho. This is a wall I notice most because it’s the one to fall with the least effort to my natural eye of understanding. I may be oversimplifying the matter but history speaks of horns and trumpets.

I think those walls fell because Joshua’s heart was resonating God’s frequency. What wall could stand up to God’s love, justice or righteousness? All would and should crumble. To this day our own walls can come down from the same impacting character of our Savior.

Look At My Timepiece

“Come in closer and look at my timepiece.”

It’s an offer none would refuse if we really knew Father Time was going to show us the number of our days, right down to the very second. What kind of choices would you make differently if you really knew?

The end of a decade is upon us and the beginning of another is at hand. Looking at my own timepiece, I am weighing every decision. I must sweep my life again, putting into the trash time bandits; those little foxes which distract me from the better things. The ticking is getting louder……