Beside Me, Within Me

Cresting the small hill just at the turn of the trail I looked down at the evergreens and drew in my breath with surprise. Some smaller trees looked to be aflame. Their leaves were red, orange and yellow, making them stand out amongst the darker greens. I gazed at them for a few minutes and moved on up the slope. Reaching a plateau, I sought out a sun bleached bench to sit for a while and enjoy the view.

A steeper incline led to a radio tower and I could see a man and woman readying to make the trek together. Looking away I reset my Ipod to hear more about the Song of Solomon. I longed to absorb every word until I would know it by heart; to live it.

Glancing upward toward the steeper trail, the sun’s rays begin to clear the high point. I could see the couple once more. They walked side by side, but very near the top of the hill, one of them stepped behind the other. From the angle I was watching, it was as if they had become one! The sun silhouetted their form beautifully and when they finally reached the peak, they again became two walking side by side.

My thoughts were a jumble trying to understand what I was privileged to see. My heart raced a bit more knowing it was no accident. Inwardly, I knew it was me I had seen walking to the top of the hill, with Jesus beside me, within me.

Isolation My Friend My Enemy

Isolation. My friend. My enemy.

Isolate – means to set or place apart; detach or separate so as to be alone.

When isolation is my friend, it means I have found a quiet place to be cut off from the noise, anguish and distraction of society. When isolation is my enemy, it means I am cut off from those who love and care for me; where I drown in the noise, anguish and distraction of loneliness, even amongst society.

Air That I Breathe

I stand upon another high point feeling the air rush around me. Titling my head back, I look into oak leaves of the tree I’m under to see patches of blue sky. All I want to do is breathe in deeper. I need more oxygen, purer oxygen and I know it. Science says this can damage my brain, but I’m not interested in the science. I’m interested in the altitudes where one can actually breathe pure oxygen.

I say YES to the invitation to “come up here”!


A teardrop fell onto the page but I didn’t wipe it away. I let it smear the ink some before being absorbed into my paper. One tear to draw my attention. The depth of life can be found in a single teardrop. All emotion lies in this treasure. Love, hurt, anger, joy, comfort, sorrow. A tear to express what words can never say. Words can lie for us but tears share the truth.

Things That Make You Go Hmm???

Our children go door to door in costume. With bags in hand they willingly receive whatever is being offered by the strangers answering their knocks. It’s a powerful statement about our values as a society. A once popular song had a great line, “things that make you go hmm???”

This Is What Love Looks Like

“It’s all good” I’m thinking as I head back toward the picnic tables. They’re quickly filling with friends I know, and new faces yet to become friends. Young and old have come together. No invitations were ever sent out. Friends just brought food, soda and water to share with anyone who would come by. Someone asks for a sleeping bag because they only have a blanket with a hole, and the weather has turned cold. Within a short time this need is met.

I get to wander around chatting, but mentally I’m taken by a beautiful sound, and I wonder if anyone else is noticing? It’s the ease of conversation and laughter. This is what it should be. This is what love looks like. Sharing what we have with each other. Nothing forced or manipulated, just a flow of grace.

Act 2:44-46  Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart

Oval Circles


The booklets lay open upon our desks. Faceless names with agendas to guide our nation, state and local governments into the next couple of years. We don’t understand every issue in depth. We remember that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

One by one we fill in the oval circles with pencil lead. The privilege to vote in our society is oft times scoffed at by those who have little understanding of what a society looks like without such freedoms. With every choice we know our fate does not lie with these men and women, but with God alone.

Hope For My City

Sunrise came over my city as I stood on the hill overlooking businesses and neighborhoods. The sky was a beautiful palette of majestic colors. Looking at the sky and then down again at the city I love so much, my heart began to ache. So many people were going about their business or still lay sleeping or even watching television.

Tears came as I prayed for these lost ones to know their hope was at hand.

Moving Forward

“Not going back I’m moving ahead
I’m here to declare to you my past is over in You
All things are made new surrendered my life to Christ
I’m moving, moving forward
What a moment You have brought me to
Such a freedom I have found in You
You’re the Healer who makes all things new”  *

It takes courage to move forward. To learn how to do things in a new way isn’t always comfortable. So many of us try to keep our footing in two worlds. We walk in the natural although we are spiritual beings. Where we often falter is living like “those of the world” while also desiring to seek the higher calling. We compromise a little here, a little there just so we won’t be “extremely different”.

What does it cost to be different? Why are we so afraid of different? Is the fear to not have others approve of us so extreme we’d compromise our eternal future? I absolutely want to help others in this world, but to be of any use to them, I first have to take my foot out of it. My compromising won’t help them, only hinder. It’s time to move forward.

* Lyrics Moving Forward by Israel Houghton

Sticks And Stones

I was thinking about that childhood saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. I am very sure this is a lie. I have had many words hurt me and cut me to the depths of my heart. Hearing them today, I can only thank my heavenly Father for changing my heart not to want to lash out in kind.

1Pe 3:9  Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.