
Witness defined: to bear witness to; testify to; give or afford evidence of.

When Jesus was still a boy scripture records, “they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions.” Conversations within the body are where we can come to compare notes, grow, learn and get better understanding. The Bereans were commended in the bible because they received the message of truth not because of who was speaking but because they examined the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was right.

What we speak to one another is eternal. Our conversations are recorded in heaven. The Word helps us to learn we should be okay to ask questions. When we speak about what we believe, what we think and what we question, there should always be room for conversation. To sit amongst wise counsel is to learn about wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Now and again in our conversations, questions may arise and it’s our duty and responsibility to handle them with biblical guidance. Jesus Himself encouraged His disciples to ask questions.

Scriptures references from Luke 2:45, Acts 17:11, Pro 4:7

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The Sapling

God planted a seed in good soil and watched over it. In time the seed sprouted, growing into a strong sapling tree. The sapling enjoyed the sun, stretching his limbs out to absorb every nutrient while his roots dug deeper into the ground where it had been planted. God had planted the sapling amongst other trees; some having healthy foliage while others appeared to be drier.

Butterflies flew in and out amongst these trees, feeding on the leaves. The butterflies would ask the trees for wisdom; how they managed to stay strong in and out of all seasons. The sapling listened intently to all of these conversations, longing to learn about longevity. The healthy trees spoke of needing to dig deep for water wells and how these would sustain them no matter the season. The trees that looked drier spoke more about the beauty of rain; whenever rain would come, they soaked in its deluge or even the mist. Nothing was more important to them than rain.

When the butterflies came to sit upon the sapling leaves, he questioned them to understand their observations. The butterflies fluttered with excitement to share. The sapling was amazed by the simplicity of their answer. No eggs were left to cocoon upon the dry trees as they could not be trusted to provide sustenance needed for their precious children.

God smiled upon the sapling with His ray of sunshine.

Ladder Rungs

I knew I needed to use the ladder. This ladder had been leaning against the house I loved for a long time, but I was afraid of heights. Overcoming my fears, I climbed the first few rungs wondering if the footing of this ladder was on even ground. Staying still for a long while, I eventually reached out on either side to be sure it would hold, testing its stability. Assured of its firm position I began to brush away dirt clinging to the walls. Years and elements had begun to overlay a dinge, covering its real beauty.

The longer I stood on these few rungs, the more assured I became this ladder would not give way. I felt confident to move higher, continuing to brush away dirt with diligence. In the background I could hear a phone begin to ring. I debated climbing down off the ladder in order to go answer because its ringing was almost agitating. Looking down at my feet I hesitated but remembering how often it was an automated message I dismissed the distraction. Taking my eyes off my feet I looked up once more and continued to brush away the dinge. I could trust my closest friends to come get me if I needed to come down off the ladder.

Deep Breath Of Perspective

On the eve of one year ending and another about to begin we must take a deep breath of perspective. The media would have us look back at names and faces thought by the world to have been important. Indeed some probably were, but how did they impact our eternity? Did they point the way to faith, hope and love? Many may have mentioned the name Jesus Christ in thank you speeches while collecting accolades, but did they live like they really knew Him.

When we take our own inventory of this past year, can we call to mind those who truly impacted our very eternity? Can you see the names and faces of those who took the time to invest in us with their time, love and hope? The better question to ask is how much we were able to give to others in time, love and hope?

Such an inventory offers perspective but only a small one. True perspective takes our eyes off of our own achievements and simply focuses on the One who gave all. Jesus asks for our love and even gives us the ability. (1 John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.) His love overflows enough for our neighbors. This means to love without expectation, acknowledgment or acceptance. Can we love without anyone in this world standing there to pat us on the back? Time for another deep breath of perspective; in the year before us we will have the opportunity to invest and impact the eternity of all around us.

From Mark 12:30-31 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.… Love your neighbor as yourself

True Existence

I dreamed the language of poetry during the night. Beautiful words of expression, chords played with longing and hope coming alive, letting me walk within each word and note. The reality of this dream state is my home. Immersed in this freedom, I never want to awaken. I fight the fleeting moments when consciousness prevails, taking me back to a world where the dimensions lock me down once more. Fully awake I still remember my true existence.

Act 2:17-21

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.’

Inward Heart Condition

I have never felt the desire to put a Christian emblem on the back of my car. I don’t have a cross hanging from a chain around my neck. Neither of these do I despise. I understand the propensity to publicly declare one’s faith. It’s never the outward image I’ve ever been concerned much about. My thoughts have always been focused on the inward condition of my heart.

“This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, but He will be a joy to many others. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose Him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”*

From Luke 2:34-35  (NLT)

He Held My Hand

He Held My Hand Song Snippet (Click Here)

I reached out and he took my hand. With our fingers intertwined I felt my heart thump a bit harder. His touch was a wonderful thing and I liked feeling safe in his presence.  His tongue easily tied itself in knots, so I demanded nothing for words. A tune from younger years flooded my thoughts. Using my mental filter I listened to the only sentiments that mattered for this moment.

“Is it my turn to hold you by your hands, tell you I love you and you’d hear me…if I could give away the feeling that I feel yeah…but now I’m under water and I’m drowning, oh” *

*Edited lyrics from PM Dawn

Drinking Water

I had left my house with a chore in mind and in a few blocks I sensed a drawing to go pray upon the hill overlooking my city. It had been a while since I had been there specifically. Arriving I felt quiet, not knowing what to pray. The parking lot was empty except for one car I assumed to be the pastor probably in his church office. I stopped near the gazebo and rolled down a window to hear my worship. I grabbed the small bible I kept in a side pocket and got out to walk.

The cold wind bit into my face and my hands quickly turned numb. I walked to the edges of the hillside and began to look down upon the streets lined with homes. I felt such a lack for words. Here alone I could only say aloud, “Lord, don’t let me get lost” and I pulled the small bible closer to my heart. Inside the pages was every prayer needed. In a short time I turned to go back to my chore.

Reaching for the door handle I saw a bottle had been put upon the hood of my car. The label only said, “Drinking Water”. Looking around I sought who had put it there. I did not see anyone and I hadn’t heard a thing. I’d only been here for no more than five minutes if that? Reaching for the bottle I got into the car to sit still for a few minutes. Looking at the label again I was reminded of my thirst for the Lord.

John 4:10 “…If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask Me, and I would give you living water.”