Open Spigots

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I made it to my car a couple minutes before a real downpour let loose. I had my Bluetooth on and I was listening to a friend pour out his heart from across the other side of the country. His pouring seemed to symphonize well with these huge drops of rain. Stopping for a while, I turned off my wipers and just listened to the blend of his voice and the rain.

This was not sadness of any kind! I was listening to hopes being fulfilled and it was as though the heavens had loosed what had been held back until now. Our dry land is getting a much needed drink of water.

There are so many thirsty people. The spigots need to be fully opened for pouring enough out from the reservoir. Are you a spigot? Are you fully open and ready to serve your purpose? Will you help the thirsty find a drink of living water?

Rev 21:6  He said to me: “It is done, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.”

Winged Words

Our words carry so much weight and yet most of us don’t stop for even a second before we let fly with whatever comes into our pretty little heads. I have this picture in my head of seeing words with wings. Often what we speak is so much fluff the “little wings” carry them off into the breeze never to be seen again because they just didn’t say anything.

Other times the words coming out are so negative and pointed they fly full speed at others like a honed arrow making sure to land square in the middle of that person’s hopes and joy, leaving a flesh wound.

The truly blunt words offered from a place of pure poison fly out of the lips with muscular wings ready to land on the intended and beat them down so hard they may never recover, but instead carry that beat down for the remainder of their days.

The sweetest words we could ever speak are sent with love. These words fly about the person like a natural fluttering of beautiful butterflies, ever gentle to land upon them. When I am listening to my heavenly Father’s words, all I desire is to hear more. I want to be covered in precious butterflies.

Psalm 119:103  How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Wonder Woman

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I wonder what life is like without hope? I wonder what life is like without friends? I wonder what life is like without love? I wonder what it would be like to live on the streets? I wonder what it’s like to not know how I was going to eat? I wonder what it’s like to always be cold? I wonder what it’s like to live in constant fear? I wonder what it’s like to not know what is going to happen to me when I die?

I wonder if my life is offering enough witness to others that Jesus can deliver?

John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Lullaby & Flower

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When I am feeling an insatiable amount of loneliness, I know full well there is nothing of this earth to satisfy what I desire. I actually had to learn the hard way about such a craving. Money, friends, things, family, hobbies, loves….none of these could fulfill what I lacked. Even today I seek what I desire with everything I am, knowing full well I will be incomplete until I am returned to the heavens I belong to.

In the meantime I seek those quiet places where I can be alone; enjoying a soaking in the love of my Creator. I desire to seek His heart and am assured He already knows my own. He sang me a song today like a lullaby, so I wrote of my love for Him in the journal He enjoys reading. When it came time to come home, He pointed out the flowers I had seen a few days earlier which were not yet bloomed. I verbally asked Him if it would be alright to take one home…..He chose for me the most perfect of them all.

Examples Of Natural Trust

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In the waning light I steeled my eyes to look towards a grassy knoll for a backdrop of deep green color. The last rays of sunlight reflected off tiny bodies of insects flying back and forth in a dance of joy I long to feel in my soul. To fly in and out amongst their gathered body, trusting each and every one of themselves, knowing none would crash against each other causing pain.

Such examples of the heavenly Father’s natural designs of nature fascinate me. I long to stop being an observer of possibilities and I ache to be a participant.

I Love My Trainer

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The horses passed by and we could see these magnificent creatures only partially through trees and bushes. They were so tall. I was walking with my mom on this morning and I didn’t know why it was so important to share this experience with her but everything felt right. As we made our way back towards where I had parked the car, the horses we had seen pass us earlier came trotting down into the meadow area.

One was white but not shiny or pure white, simply like a cloud of white with tiny specks of color in its coat to almost make it off-white. The other horse was tan with a blond mane and tail. The riders separated these horses and this is when the real show began. It was like watching the warm up exercises for an equestrian event. These creatures of might and power displayed their graceful steps, tossing about their heads in a real show of beauty. What training must have gone into these two gorgeous creatures? They were loved.

I was once given a word about a beautiful show horse who was jumping over stuff for her Trainer and this show horse loved doing these things for her Trainer. I think back on that now and I can’t recall when my heart has ever felt so full of love for my heavenly Father. May He continue to have my steps always be in grace so they are graceful when I am being “observed” by others who long for this same walk.

Gentle Whisper

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There is a beautiful area I go to spend time pondering the vastness of my heavenly Father. Somehow He just seems more real to me when I am not in some walled up room or building but rather outdoors. Yet even in wide open spaces there are still too many people to distract my attention so when I am really wanting to feel His presence intimately I must push on up a hill until I reach the top.

Most day trekkers don’t come here, just the more adventurous hikers. I don’t consider myself a real hiker by any means but there is just a real hunger to want to go higher. This seems to echo a calling within my heart. In the quietness of the windy breeze blowing on these upper hills I listen for a whisper. I can’t make out the words yet but I know it’s calling me closer.

I love being in this breeze while I close my eyes. Sitting still I tilt my head back to let the sun warm my face and imagine my Father looking down at me. When I long to be touched by His hands I can feel the breeze caress every inch of me and I enjoy the way it blows my hair. Listening carefully I hear the music in the beautiful calls of birds flying to and fro. The grass sways in a rhythm where the stalks are moved to rub against each other, playing a precious song all their own. If I am near a tree, the leaves shake about like tambourines.

It is here I love to listen for His “gentle whisper”.

1 Kings 19:11-12  The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

Righteousness Must Be Restored

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In our history there are weights and measures. It’s in everything we are and in everything we do. Even a brief look at this topic online opens up a volume of information beyond the scope of anything I am educated to share aside from a topical framework.

What do we think of when looking at the title “weights and measures”? I can only guess at the varied answers. My thoughts were taken to the scales of justice. Ever really look at the symbols for justice? Often they are caricatures of a woman; blindfolded, who holds a set of scales in her left hand and a sword in the right hand.

Something in our world today is truly amiss. Our symbol for justice has been used to mock at our hearts. Yes, justice is blind but only to those who deserve it. The scales are tipped to rule in favor of those who have the best lawyers and lobbyists. The sword in the right hand has not been lifted yet.

It’s time to cry out and declare righteousness over our nation and over our lives! If we ourselves don’t offer prayers for this need who will?

Luke 18:7 (NIV) And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?

Purpose To Stop & Look Around

The day has slipped away so fast. So has the week actually. With schedules being a bit hectic it is important to purposely stop and look around to see where we are living instead of driving through life a hundred miles and hour.

Tonight we got to stop and look at the beauty of a crescent moon with an adjacent star lit up so bright I had to wonder at it’s meaning.


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I like to live in the regions where I can be literally disconnected from my physical surroundings. As I float around in my happy place, rarely do I open my eyes unless I happen to be driving. A mere conversation or phone call can bring me tumbling from my thoughts on high, down into the hemisphere of this existence I am currently passing through; the alien in a foreign land.

This is about the time I realize my inner man has been “checked”.  Have I told you about my inner man, or should I speak from the female viewpoint and tell you of my inner woman? Actually I call her “whoa-man”? I keep trying to remember the old “whoa-man” should long ago have been “offed” but let’s be frank; that fleshly being likes to resurrect as if starring in a movie sequel straight out of “Friday the 13th“. Perhaps I should just start referring to her as Jasonique? Nah, she doesn’t deserve a name beyond…”offed”!

I have been studying with the Master however and He is teaching me new maneuvers to truly put my inner whoa-man in check for good. He’s teaching me about the final move…..checkmate!

Eph 4:22-24 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness