Are You A “Yes Man”?

Would you consider yourself a “yes man”? This term is often associated with being the office suck up or tool of the boss. You would never stand up for the good of morale and what is right.

To be a “yes man” in the coming days is going to be a good thing. Our boss is the “Big Guy” who also says YES but most don’t know what to ask. With Him our moral compass should be in agreement with what is righteous and done in love.

Are you wondering what that “yes man” is going to look like for us? Well, it’s pretty straightforward; if we see a need, just say yes! Nothing too complicated in that, and if our hearts do it with love then we are in alignment for promotions whether we ask for them or not.

More, More, I Want More

I stood in the wind, feeling it blow my hair about and I didn’t care. I stood at the edge of the field and watched the birds in flight together. This moment was special. I could feel the presence of the one who loves me. I confessed my love aloud and feeling the wind stir even stronger I turned into it, spreading my hands out from my side. The rush of air swirled, fully enveloping every inch of me. I wanted to stay in this caress forever. Closing my eyes all I could think was, “more, more…oh how I want more….”

Had Been…vs…Am Now

“But what about you?” he asked, “Who do you say I am?”  Mat 16:15

We all know this is a question Jesus asked of his disciples and it’s interesting to dig into the depth of why and what our Lord was asking. A friend spoke out something this weekend that awakened this verse in my heart. She merely mentioned the difference in who I had been versus who I was now. Jesus came in the form of man to live life as we do, and once baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit, he walked in signs and wonders. His word says…”I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12

As I think upon “who I am”, it’s important I understand the price paid for me; to be who I am to be, and what I am to do while I am here. My friend’s words stirred up my responsibility to step up and accept the truth about myself. I am not to dwell upon what others say about me, or even what I can say about myself. In this hour. I need to believe by faith, that I am meant and expected to do great things. Jesus died for me to do this….

History Will Stop Repeating

Several years ago there was a song fusion of unique styles blended so wonderfully I kept a copy on every digital format I had. Electronic producers named PropellerHeads from Britain fused big beat with jazz using Welsh singer Shirley Bassey on vocals. It sounded like a voice lifted from a 1930’s speakeasy combined with a club mix of dance music.

As interesting as that was in itself, I probably would not have taken notice of it if not for the hook….”History Repeating”. I rather enjoy reading about history. Not dry facts like we learned in high school, but the intricate details as they relate to human nature and especially the social aspect of our society.

For over 2000 years we have been passing down our history both orally and in written form but it seems as though not enough of us are reading the writing on the wall, the word of truth. We have a history book we should be paying attention to in the bible.

Lyrics for “History Repeating”….

The word is about, there’s something evolving,
whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
They say the next big thing is here,
that the revolution’s near
but to me it seems quite clear
that it’s all just a little bit of history repeating

People get ready….now is the time for history to stop repeating and let’s welcome the revolution. The writers of this song got it right about the revolution being near but they are also very wrong! History is not doomed to repeat itself endlessly. There is a very real end in sight.

Matthew 24:44  So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him

The “Voice”

Ever have that conversation where you are wanting badly for the other person just to say what you want? I had one of those today but it didn’t go my way and I wasn’t the happiest camper about it. Truth be told, I was agitated to levels I don’t often recognize as being my own mouth or mind? Speaking to anyone?

After I hung up my phone, I actually seethed for a bit and got even more irritated when I could hear that “voice” tell me I was wrong! I just plain didn’t want to hear it that minute, so I started to argue out loud for all the reasons it wasn’t wrong for me to be this mad. It didn’t take but a few sentences before I just shut my mouth completely. Why waste my breath verbalizing a losing argument?

Sitting in silence I could still hear the “voice” tell me what I needed to do but I wasn’t real receptive to its wisdom. There was an apology to be made and I knew full well who it was to make it. Thank goodness I still had a few miles to drive. I needed to adjust and prepare myself for these words. I wanted time to move the words from my head down into my chest.

Proverbs 24:14   Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off

False Sense Of Security

A false sense of security tackled me today and took me out at the knees. Where I had been standing tall, with one motion I found myself flat on my back wondering, “how did I get here?” The conversation at hand had me checking myself over and over. “Did I deserve this feedback or am I being led astray to undermine my confidence?”

I probed the circumstances to get as much information as possible, but without all the parties present, I was left with only verbal accounts and hearsay. I sat in the defendant’s chair and it was time to speak. Honesty left my lips. I acknowledged room for error. I could do better.

Phil 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

Inspiration A Needed Tool

Inspiration is a needed tool in our lives on a daily basis. Without inspiration to draw us into actions of worth we would become a people without imagination or creativity. If all I ever see is the same thing day in and day out, how can I possibly learn to desire more then what I can see? I’m not talking about unhealthy desires, but real desires of the heart to be more then we are today.

It’s the inspirational lives of one another that cause our hearts to be moved out of our lethargy and into action. It’s the stuff that movies are made about, why books are written and tales shared all over the world in news and internet chats. Before you can inspire someone with your own actions there is a price to be paid. You must actually take a risk to get out and do something.

How about motives? Will you still be willing to help another in an act of inspiration if you knew no one would see you do it? Yeah, it’s a risk to get out and do something, but it’s character to want to do it without reward or recognition here upon this earth.

Under The Banner Of Love

Quietly I sat in a row of chairs to watch more than I could see with my eyes. The bridegroom was calling forth his bride to openly confess her love. With dove’s eyes she focused upon her faithful and true one. Fresh flames rekindled the covenant of long ago. A promise remained; the kiss of intimacy upon lips softened by love.

Generations past and present were redeemed. The banquet table was set and now the guests were welcomed to partake of the feast offered under the banner of love.

The Nearness Of You

As I await the rising of the sun, I hear the song of swallows through the open window. Their voices join as one in unison to carry the same tune. They hear a frequency and share it with the world who have ears.

With eyes closed, I lay my head back on my chair and hum with them. I have swallowed my heart. I grow feint with waiting. Your left hand cradles my head and Your right hand encircles my waist. I lean my head upon Your chest as tears of longing fill my eyes. A love song pours into my heart.

The nearness of You lingers like a fragrance….