Dreams Without Definition

I am finding to dream my own dreams leaves me less than satisfied. My imagination is limited by defined experiences or visions planted by others. I want to own the dreams of a child once more. That time when there was no definition to possibilities because I hadn’t yet been taught of the world.

I had a glimpse of those dreams a few days ago. I stuck a coin to a wall wanting to see it stay there…and it did….until I remembered how I had learned it shouldn’t.

Time to close my eyes to all I know and imagine the possibilities of all “I don’t yet know”. That’s where I will find how to dream without definition once more.

The Sum Of All My Fears

Fear has a way of coming at you when distractions are at their max. When you have so much going on you wonder just what it’s going to take to accomplish the tasks. Fear brings its nasty little cousins too, namely anxiety and worry. For me it was time to do some math.

The sum of all my fears versus the sum of God’s promises. It was a no brainer….His perfect love indeed casts out all my fears

Sound The Alarms

Alarms have been going off in our house for a couple months; odd times and different systems, no rhyme and no reason. These things can get my attention so I took note of it enough to ask questions and wait for a response.

I heard a response loud and clear yesterday. I was supposed to find a specific song. I was familiar with it because I like to listen to the artist. This time I was meant to do more than sing this song, I was meant to hear it.

I am not the only one who should hear it….

Sound the alarm

Gather the people

Gather the elders

Let the ministers wail

Take back the years that the enemy’s stolen

Lord you are coming with a holy visitation

We return to you fasting and weeping and mourning

Oh My Lord you’re returning

We lie here weeping between porch and altar

Pour out your spirit on your sons and your daughters

We lie here weeping between porch and altar

Pour out your spirit on your sons and your daughters

Send the alarm

Awaken the watchmen

Open their ears let their voices be loud

We prophesy You’ll come to this nation

We prophesy You’ll touch this generation with a holy visitation

We dance, we shout, we lift up our voices

Let your kingdom come down

I was made for war

I was made for battle Lord*

(* Holy Visitation, by Rita Springer)

Antidote To Pride

Proclaim the good news of His salvation
Righteousness goes before You
I have also trusted in the LORD
Do not lean on your own understanding
Eyes of your heart be enlightened

Let It Burn!

A smoke plume came from a thick stand of eucalyptus trees. It was raining steadily. I turned my car toward the distant plume and parked at the end of an alcove. I was fascinated…..a fire burning in the rain…I could only watch it for a few minutes but my heart felt energized.

A fire is coming, one that will not be quenched by nature in any form…let it burn!

My Husband

I was wary and he treaded lightly.

I suspected and he came without blame.

I hurt and he cried for me

I couldn’t find peace and he played a song

I am different because He loved me

Sending Out An S.O.S.

One of the most famous bands of our era came at us with a song that appealed to the longing of our hearts….that we were not alone.

I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world
I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, yeah

Walked out this morning, don’t believe what I saw
Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore
Seems I’m not alone in being alone
Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home*

By definition SOS are also the letters represented by the Morse Code signal used as an international distress signal; a call or signal for help.

Over 2000 plus years ago a song of songs was written about love; a message of love. The song is called Song of Solomon.

Interesting coincidence of an acronym or is it the very message to the world we’ve been looking for?

Son 2:4b  ….and his banner over me was love

* The Police – Message In A Bottle

Tagged Bridge

It was just a bridge near the path I was on, but today it caught my eye. Someone had gone out of their way to tag it recently. Nothing fancy or interesting, just a first name and a number. I wondered about the artist. Did he/she lack attention to the degree he/she needed to rebel against decorum and local laws in order to make the statement, “I am here!”

We walk in a sea of pain all around us. The sea being those who feel either unnoticed or unwanted. I confess my own blindness in this area. On any given day I can walk on either side of such pain but I know the balm to such lies in my feelings. The balm is truth. I am never alone and I am never unwanted.

We Are Only Human

“We are only human!” These were the same words sung from two different songs I heard today. One was by a Christian artist and the other a secular artist. I didn’t separate the two thoughts since they both carried the same heart. A longing to be so much more, yet an understanding how much we can fail in our weaknesses.

What does it really mean when we are crying out about our humanity? Our very soul recognizes the need for saving grace. For a love beyond anything we can ever produce within ourselves. How painful to know what might be, and yet to finally understand we will never accomplish it in this plane of existence.

The easy answer offered to all comes under attack from the one who seeks our destruction most. Christ is love and to come to that understanding seems so simple. The liar recognizes this and puts a burden called “religion” on top of the very name meant to give hope.  It’s time to peel back that suffocation and reveal once more the pure message of love.