…And There Was A Calm


Normally I observe and pay attention to people and their actions but getting away for a few days, I really wanted to just be alone. The seaside cliffs helped me realize my longing as I sat among their edges taking in the surf. Rarely did I see anyone now and I enjoyed the solitude.

A strong wind was blowing and crashing waves broke over the rocks. I tried to capture a few of these thoughts in a journal but some things you are just meant to experience. I was looking at these waves and wondered what the disciples saw when Jesus “rebuked the wind and the raging of the water…and there was a calm”?

The Empty Building

The building is now empty and boarded up. If I hadn’t of been in the area I would’ve forgotten of its existence altogether. I can still remember the first time it was built, a huge building on large empty grass lot with nothing else for acres. Now the largely grown trees surrounding it conceal its blight from nearby thoroughfares.

I don’t know what made me pull into the parking lot surrounding it but I parked beneath a huge shade tree and got out to sit in the grass for a spell. With my pen and paper in hand I began to remember it in its heyday. Cars would crowd the outer parking and you could hear loud raucous music pouring out into the night. I can’t say I ever went in when it was open; nothing attracted me to the place at the time.

Looking at it now I can only wonder what new life is coming to this place and so many others? For sure there is a new thing coming to many places.

Challenge Of A Bad Day

The challenge of a bad day is one I can only rise up to meet. Once I’ve been kicked to the curb by circumstances what are my options? Well, I can whine about them and agree with every negative thought that just happens to pop into my little brain or I can remember who I am and what I’m here for. Why is it when we are in an emotional low spot, things just seem to happen? Yeah, I think we all know.

I will grab my keys and a ten spot to tip the tow driver. When he drops off our truck for repairs you can bet I am going to thank him and make sure I smile about it. Not quite the victory dance I would like but I have to take what I can get in any given moment.

Bumper Bull

“Well behaved women seldom make history” read the bumper sticker on the car in front of me. I will refrain from commenting in the aggressive manner my mood is feeling but I will say….bull!

I Want To Get High

I want to get high! No, I’m not kidding. When I was living another life I used to think the best high was of a pharmaceutical variety, both legal and non. The supernatural high in Christ I have found only shows me there is more and my addiction is not physical but heartfelt. Being in His presence is all I want to be.

Admirable Character

The smell of freshly ground coffee beans takes me to wonderful places of long ago. I am a purest so I keep an old percolator and listening to it this morning I was reminded of my grandfather. I miss him. A favorite memory was to stop by his house and have a cup of coffee with him while he’d tell me stories of his youth.

My grandparents came through the depression years and he was able to speak of an interesting time in our history. He would tell me of Roosevelt’s CCC program (Civilian Conservation Corps) and his opportunity to get to work. Being given a new pair of jeans and new shoes, he boarded a train for California. The clothes made an impression on this poor young man from Missouri, so did working for his keep.

His ethics and character made an impression upon me, though I never had the opportunity to tell him so. I have many young men in my family and if all they ever remember of me is that I had an admirable character than I accomplished much.

No Coincidences?

I had found a private spot to lay on my back in the grass and just look up through the leaves of a shade tree into the clear blue sky. The sun was filtering through, lighting up all the greens so much I wondered how many variations there were? My car was parked nearby and I could hear a song singing about the palette of the sky so I smiled widely loving such a coincidental moment. But there are no coincidences are there?

Quiet Conversation

My mind is in a peaceful mood and I look forward to just kicking back to enjoy dinner with the husband and have a quiet conversation. He is such a gentle spirit, I am quite calmed being in his presence. I am forever enamored of my heavenly Father’s favor when He matched us together.

Annoyed By The Noise

Today I have simply been annoyed to extremes. It was absolutely beautiful and I was even off a touch early from work. Everywhere I went and even around my own home I was blasted with noise pollution! What happened to the joys of listening to birds chirp or a soft breeze rustling our trees. Instead every joker within earshot is grabbing some kind of noise making power tool to send decibles soaring.