Eyes Wide Shut

Movies come and go, but one made in our generation was called “Eyes Wide Shut” starring a couple of pop icons at the time, directed by some name that mattered to the movie industry. I have no comment about the movie itself, but I keep wondering about the title these days. It was plastered on every marquee, talked about in magazines and had more press than many movies even to date. Why?

What if it was a message to the world?

We think our eyes are open but what are we watching for?

Matt 16:3b (Message) ….You find it easy enough to forecast the weather—why can’t you read the signs of the times

Lowly Positions

I find myself in lowly positions lately, meaning getting prostrate when I am moved to do so. Not always convenient, comfortable or timely. Always for purpose….I am being broken in love.

Psa 10:17  LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear

Winter Is Past

Bench and Journal

My shoes sunk deep into the path with each step. The water had saturated the ground and I tried my best to stay in the gravel areas where water drained better. My mind was drawn back to the hills and sunshine of another season. I missed the bench where I could lay out my journal, enjoying the valley view of farmland below.

Winter seasons can be challenging; a lack of brightness, restricted mobility due to weather and opportunity. I love to sing a song in anticipation…

“The winter is past*

The rain it’s over and gone

Flowers they bloom”

Son 2:11  For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone.

*JoAnn McFatter, Winter is Past

A Need To Share

A co-worker told me I just had to go see this movie! I don’t know her well but something about her passionate sharing intrigued me. Her excited words to me were, “It has a good message!”  The movie was called “The Book Of Eli” with Denzel Washington in an apocalyptic setting. I rarely see television or news these days, so I went in blind, not knowing what to expect.

I walked away with a sense of wonder. The world depicted in the scenes was so devastated and desperate. Water was a premium to existence and the treasure carried by the main character was a book. I realized why my co-worker was so moved. She saw glimpses of truth and felt its hope within the depths of her heart. Her passion was the passion of all who find hope….a need to share it!


“I’ll stand in front of you, I’ll take the force of the blow….protection….”

A song I listen to now and again. When I first heard it, I didn’t listen to a word. It was actually drawn into my attention a little at a time. With each new lyric I found myself finding reasons to drive around just so I could absorb it.

These words have sunk deep into my sense of understanding. When the worst of what life can offer comes at you like artillery, it’s good to have a shield to cover you. Without my protection I would have been ripped to shreds and left for dead.

My own self-protection has been exposed to the elements. It’s useless at this hour in my life. Nothing of myself is going to hold anything at bay. Come what may, I am counting on a promise.

Pro 30:5b  He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him

She Awaits

She dances in a meadow, her dress is simple and of white cotton. No shoes hinder her feet as she spins with grace. Her hair, full and supple, surrounds her head like a crown of glory. Its length flows like a dark waterfall about the shoulders. Her very smile is perfect and without worry or pains. Freedom is hers. This is her truth. This is her space in time. Laughter is hers for eternity. Love is her heart forever.

She awaits.

Surprise Me Most

“Ask Me of things to come” was in print across the top of the page. Sometimes the most obvious things can be hidden until needed. I let the book lay open on my desk while I went to get my pen. My journal was about done for blank pages but this seemed worth pouring out onto the last of them. I started asking.

I stopped after filling a page. Laying down my pen I leaned back and closed my eyes. I didn’t really need to write anything down but it was a good exercise to remember a few thoughts. It didn’t take me long to figure out the deeper things in my heart were being held back. It wasn’t my own revelations I looked forward to. I am counting on the One who knows me best to surprise me most.

Psa 37:4  Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Hidden In The Cleft

I cry out to be hidden in the cleft. The storms upon me tear at my heart. They want to take apart my resolve. They whip around me trying to remove my peace. I run to my shelter, my refuge. Here I am to remain until I am shown the path, where my next step is to go forth. I will wait, being of good courage, my strength will come again. When the hour is darkest, I will sing louder still, knowing my praise will bring the light of hope.

Shadow Dancing

A few musicians played, flowing music, spiritual outpouring. I could only hear the hearts of their instruments and voices. In the huge auditorium there was no one present to impress. They had no audience except the “Lord”.

I felt humbled again to be invited to participate in this private concert. So often lately I ask, “why me?” I keep hearing “privilege.” I sat against the wall of an arch representing a portal and putting my pen to paper I lay down words that seem so simple for the depth I sense.

The lights were low and looking around I saw a most beautiful dance. A figure dancing in abandonment to a joyous music he alone could hear. Because I was so far away, all I could make out was his silhouette. My mind recorded this shadow dancing. Done in beauty, done in secret, done for a glory no one in this earth was meant to see. I was indeed privileged to have observed it.