Father’s Hug

The man was beside himself with renewed hope. I had stepped back from him momentarily to be quiet and listen to what was in his heart. He was weeping some and expressing his gratitude to those of us who had prayed for him. One by one he hugged the others who were in the room. Turning to me I was surprised by the way he wrapped his arms so tightly around me. Expecting him to quickly release me I started to pull away, but he held me still, not letting go.

He began to speak to me tenderly with a father’s voice. He shared with me what a lovely daughter I was and how much I was loved. In that moment I heard my heavenly Father’s voice so clearly. It felt like such a long time this man held me in his arms. Nothing about his hug was untoward; it was just a Father’s love. Inwardly my heart melted knowing the Lord Himself was hugging me.

Unmerited Favor

Unmerited favor came to my doorstep, just a knock I answered. There at my feet lay a gift I didn’t ask for, nor had I done a thing to deserve it. The Lord’s hand alone was at work in my life. All I had to do was receive His gift. I picked it up and unwrapped its content. The beauty of His creation took my breath away.

I again lay myself down at His feet, bowing as low as I could get. Understanding I could offer Him nothing in return for His gift, I offered the tears and sobs of my grateful heart.

* Artwork by Jodi Lee Gasner, “Amber Autumn Aspen”

Water Gift

I let the water run momentarily watching this beautiful gift of God. Water fed every need for our planet and our bodies, without it nothing could exist. Sun rays bounced off the water so brightly it hurt my eyes, but I wasn’t ready to look away. Cupping my hands I reached into the flowing stream. Holding the small pool in my palms I marveled about our Creator. Everything I touched of His creation was like touching a part of Him. I raised my hands to my face feeling His splash of refreshment.

Rearranging The Familiar

I stood in the middle of the room and everything began to swirl around me, rearranging what was once familiar. The couch where I rested had been moved to another location. The lamp had been moved to a higher table allowing me to see better when I read my Word. Pages of my Book now flipped back and forth randomly in some private breeze. Fascinated, I sat in this new spot allowing my reading be led in whatever direction this wind would take me.