Blessing…check, opportunity….check, motive….hhhmmm, need to check that!
Ever been so absolutely sure about your heart only to have a dark corner exposed unexpectedly? I was so caught off guard by a feeling I couldn’t define, I immediately took it to the throne room to inquire….”what is this Daddy?”
I felt so much pain when He showed me, tears came and I just wanted to be alone. I am never alone though. His precious comfort came to wrap me up; again I learn how much I am loved. With my best friend, I released my confession and left the darkness behind me once more.
I could hear an unfriendly voice try to draw near and I put up my hand immediately. With language of authority I deflected the sounding lies wanting to come in. Instantly they diminished and could be heard no more. Motive……check!
Pro 3:3 (Message) Don’t lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart.