“Haven’t heard from you” read the letter and I felt bad. I had used my ability, time and voice to lift a friend up for a long while but then I hit my own bad spot and suddenly my tools found themselves idle. No one was responsible for these tools sitting unused except me. At this moment I didn’t feel my voice could even be heard let alone used to lift up friends.
A couple weeks went by and another letter came reading, “did I say something wrong?”, again I felt bad but I didn’t pick up my tools even then. “What did I have to say right now that would be of any value?” I thought. I let the letter get laid beneath a book on my desk.
Only a week went by this time and another letter arrived. This one was written in blunt language with pointed love, “I know you my friend, something’s wrong so you better just tell me.” I had been called out in truth. It was time to sit down and write again….now where to begin?