“I Put Her In The Godbox”

I walked up on a couple where the guy was being led in prayer by a friend to accept the Lord Jesus as his savior. The man seemed eager to accept and hear about the Lord. His girlfriend seemed more cynical and sat in the background.

You ever meet people you just know you shouldn’t do anything more than befriend? The holy spirit seemed to speak “kindness”. While my friend prayed for her hubby I engaged the woman in conversation. She had a dog named Chelsea. I wish I could tell you the woman’s name but I don’t remember it. Her dog was special to her though.

She herself was from Virginia and came to California with a husband who had since divorced her. This seemed quite painful for her so I didn’t touch that tenderness beyond her own offering of information.

She had siblings and a daughter whom she said did not approve of her lifestyle. Another tenderness, so I let her talk further. As we went back and forth in various chit chat she told of her daughter more and said “I put her in the Godbox.”

“Godbox? I’ve never heard that phrase before, what does it mean?” I asked.

“You know, I leave her in the Lord’s care, the Godbox.” She replied.

I then understood fully what she meant. It was that place we put those we are so desperately wanting to share our love with and yet feel helpless to communicate that love.

I laughed and asked her if I could quote her for my writing. Smiling with a huge grin she looked back at me for the first time with something that felt like trust and told me, “Sure.”

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