Bridges In Darkness


I have been on many bridges at night, all of them with unique character and interest to me. The greatest bridges I’ve visited of late however are friends who have helped me over rough waters I can’t always see in the darkness.

It All Starts With The One

I took a drive to another city with my husband to meet a new friend. Just a guy who needed some help; in return we were encouraged by his outlook. He didn’t live in denial of his hard circumstances but rather he didn’t pain himself or us with a pity party. We enjoyed his humor and listening to his laughter; a good guy who needed to start over, he needed a break.

Driving out of the city it was obvious these invisible people needed to be seen. We can’t look to our government to help them. It must start with us. At times this can seem so overwhelming but it all starts with the one. One person lending a hand to another.

Matthew 25:35-36, 40   For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’….

….”The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

The Timed Movement Toward Destiny

Most of us have an inherent need to be sure we are moving in the right direction. We can find ourselves asking the question, “is this really what I am supposed to be doing?”. I am learning to take the practical approach to this question. I must not become overwhelmed by the very nature of its depth. Destiny is a big word and we all want to walk in our final destinies but there must be a practical approach for how to get there.

We have seen many push forward to try and make things happen in their own strength. They want the dream today but don’t fully understand there is a need to gather the pieces meant to hold the dream together. A sense of timing must be honed. This is not to say it’s about, “hurry up and wait” but more about concentrating on your steps for today. Today is very important in your journey for how you will attain your destiny purpose.

I have big dreams too but I can waste away my days dreaming, or I can enjoy the day put before me; to live it in full while still moving forward, drawing closer to my purpose. Each day is an opportunity for me to stay on my journey’s path, one step at a time, one day at a time. These are precious experiences which will help me realize what my dreams really are and reveal to me my true destiny.

The Idea Of Invasion

I have written about influence but I love the idea of invasion! Bill Johnson who pastors Bethel Church in Redding, CA has this same thought. but more conceptually accurate. It’s not a passive stance we are to be in but rather an aggressive position to be taken in pure love! Personally I have fought often with the idea I want to be more with my peeps than standing waist deep in the problems of those who need the hope that dwells within me.

Our battle is over! If we really are for our faith which is in Christ, than no more are we to scrimmage for our own comfort and walls that might protect us from dirt and grime. It’s time to remember we are “children” and as such it’s okay to get muddy while we are under the watchful eyes of “Daddy”. It’s time we invade the trenches of battle our friends and families are fighting from and give them a major weapon of warfare…hope!

When The Levees Break

Been thinking about levees today and the devastation which can be created by the failure of such protective structures. Years back I flew over Missouri after a series of storms caused a flooding of the Mississippi river. From an aerial perspective this looked to be quite the mess, with water flowing in places man didn’t plan. Major news stories for months.

Now years later I am drawn back to that mind’s eye picture and what it really means to me for my here and now. Occasionally I need my friends and family around to shore me up when I’m going through my own storms. I love the wisdom in how He has surrounded me with those who will speak out when it’s good to have limits and when it’s okay to let the rivers flow.

By limits I mean my own control mechanisms. I am certainly a river of life meant to flow without hindrance, but there are times when it’s good to have boundaries so I don’t trample those around me with my thoughts and opinions. I am only meant to flow alongside their banks, softly eroding any harsh walls of protection.

At other times I am not meant to hold back the fullness of my love and truth; instead I am meant to let what is in me overflow with its entirety and power. The rushing waters of promise will flood their dry lands with life giving water despite it looking like a mess to the natural eye.

John 7:38  Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him

Float On The Winds Of Joy

I had been glued to my computers for a while taking care of some geek stuff when it hit me yesterday, “enough”! I had three screens on my desk with each doing a different function and my desk was in disarray from it all. It was time to take a break and go get some fresh air. My husband had made plans for some photography and so I agreed to go with him to the park for a couple hours.

As I watched a ball game, a sense of well being came to me. I enjoyed watching the people before me as they laughed and played together. A joy was within all and as unity reigned, even more joy was being released. It was tangible.

Looking up into the sky I could see birds come and fly over the park and even circle in the air above on winds I could not see with my eyes. It was as if they were floating on the winds of joy I was witnessing.

Double Dip

He sat on the park’s cement wall looking down at me and my friend asking question after question. He had sought us out because he said he wanted what we had; joy and laughter. He wanted the hope we carried with us and his hunger was ravenous. It had been a while since I had met someone so hungry for truth and love.

As much as he was asking us questions, we tried to ask some back. Did he have any dreams, passions, desires to do something special? It didn’t take long to get a picture of a lie at work in his soul. He had been shut down by family members and his own mistakes and failures. He hated that he’d sometimes smoke weed to feel better, to numb the pain; an all too familiar tale.

Every time we shared the truth of what we could have here and now but also for eternity, he would grin wide. At one point he stopped talking for a moment while he tried to understand a concept which seemed new to him. With a huge grin he asked, “You mean we can double dip? Like have it good here and have it good there too?” When we started laughing and nodding, “yes, yes”, he grinned even bigger than before.

A precious seed of hope could be seen growing quickly in him that afternoon. I look forward to seeing it come to fruition, both here and in eternity.

For Freedom That…

I was in freedom but as I walked on the grass my eyes looked into the distance. Not all that far away I could see watchtowers and below was barbed wire fencing. A prison was near and my heart ached for those behind it’s locked down doors.

A reminder came to my heart about the days I too was imprisoned. Not in the physical sense but locked down by lies from a past riddled with tragedies and mistakes. One by one each of those lies has been exposed to the light of the truth and I no longer carry chains everywhere I go.

Oh that all could walk in the freedom of truth. This is the reality of our heavenly Father’s heart. His love will set all free who desire to be so.

Gal 5:1a  It is for freedom that Christ has set us free…

Open Doors

In my job I see lots of information, most of it so routine I barely read it anymore; just scan the information and make sure it agrees with what needs to be documented and posted for funds. Today however, one simple line in tiny print at the top of a fax stopped my routine. I just kept looking and looking at it. Two simple words….”Open Doors”; nothing more than that to read. I sat still for a few minutes with the fax in my hands but then moved on to what I needed to do. Still, it wouldn’t leave me so I made a note of it in my journal.

Once home, I found the words to be rattling in my head over and over so I finally decided I’d look up the word “open” and found myself surprised to find “open door” in my old dictionary… unhindered opportunity for progress; free access…admission to all on equal terms…a policy whereby a nation opens its foreign and internal trade to nationals of all other nations on equal terms.

Now is the time of “open doors” for us all. Let’s walk through them. Anyone ready to go with me?

Rev 4:1  (The Message) Then I looked, and, oh! – a door open into Heaven. The trumpet-voice, the first voice in my vision, called out, “Ascend and enter. I’ll show you what happens next.”

My City Reality

My City Below

I love to stand on the hills early in the morning. When the skies are clear and I can see my city below. Hope floods my heart for the things to come and I sit upon the rocks looking down, speaking into the wind all the goodness of my Father’s heart.

My city will be known as a place filled with love. My city will know healing and mercy. My city will have compassion in abundance. Our children will laugh in joy. Our businesses will prosper. Our city will be known for family unity in marriages. Our city will be a haven to the lost. Our city will draw the attention of a nation. Music and dancing will flood our streets. Our city will be known as the place where the Holy One dwells.

This is not a dream, it’s a reality yet to be seen.