Expected Of Me

My head ached within and without. I swallowed some aspirin to deal with the pain I could. The deeper pain I trusted to the Master Healer. Mentally I just wanted to curl up and hug my knees. This outward expression would raise too many questions. I went about the day instead, being upright and mobile. I did exactly what was expected of me….

Instant Response

Silence can be both, helpful or harmful. Solomon shared his wisdom in Ecclesiastes,a time to keep silence, and a time to speak”. James was even more directional when he shared, So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”.

We live in a culture where it’s common for us to read/send tweets, facebook, text messages, news headlines and all are offering opinions or asking questions. I was just considering the habits we pick up from our culture. We are being indoctrinated to the habitual instant response.

In our instant response we sometimes miss the opportunity to really think about what has been said, but more importantly, how we should pay attention to the fact our words matter. Solomon shared wisdom on this with, “Words can bring death or life! Talk too much, and you will eat everything you say”.

In silence we can gain the wisdom to listen carefully, so when it is time to speak, we may have the right thing needing to be said.

* References from (NKJV Ecc b 3:7, Jam 1:19, CEV Pro 18:21)

Time To Ask

I write for the Lord and I am good with that. For the moment I need to ask Him if I am to say anything more?

Cry For Help

A cry for help went out from the man without a home. Someone handed him a bible and he wants to read it but doesn’t know how.

A cry for help went out from the woman who missed her children. Someone handed her a bible and she accepts it speaks of good things. In her pain she dulls herself with alcohol and can’t read it in her altered state.

A cry for help went out from the man who is dying of disease. Someone handed him a bible. He leaves the book on the bench since he has no glasses to read what it says.

Those crying for help need to see the living word in us when they can’t read the bible.

Shock To The System

In a moment of weakness I found strength to be direct in my love. I spoke of how I didn’t mean to be a “shock to the system” but I spoke in error. I meant every word I said in love. I spoke from the very depths of the love in my heart. My words indeed were to be a shock to the system, to reawaken their love too.

The Answer To If

If I could only glimpse You, maybe I’d believe

If I could only hear You, maybe I’d believe

If I could only touch You, maybe I’d believe

Did you see My face in the hungry

Did you hear My voice in the crying

Did you reach for My hand when I was sick

If I could only feel You, maybe I’d believe

If You would only love me, maybe I’d believe

Did you hold Me close when I was lonely

Did you ignore My invitation to come closer

If I could only do it my way, maybe I’d believe

You don’t really want ME

So you won’t believe

Dreams Of Heart

The heart was sick; it knew not its condition. It continued to feed on the loathsome emptiness of the world. In the night, while at rest, it would cry out for its own need, but once wakened, again would run toward the pleasures of life. Not recognizing them to be of deceit. Day by day the heart grew darker, losing its healthy hue. Night by night it would forget itself to dream the dream of truth.

Pro 27:19  As in water face reflects face, So a man’s heart reveals the man.

Not Afar Off

I look often at the white clouds against the background of the bluest skies. These clouds seem so far away. I comment to my Father who walks beside me, “Your wonders are marvelous Abba and I enjoy them, will You show me more?” He draws my eyes to the flowers beside me so I can touch them, ever so gently, with my fingertips.

When I know I’ve done something I shouldn’t in my weakness, I share with my Father, “Abba, I messed up again, can you help me lean upon Your strength and give me the desire to walk uprightly once more?” He floods my heart to remind me of all His promises to have mercy upon me because He knows the frailty of my flesh.

In His vastness to have created all of heaven and earth, my senses become overwhelmed, and I drop to my knees in recognition. “Abba Father, You have the universe and beyond to show off Your glory and yet You spend all Your time letting me know how You’re right by my side. Who am I, that You would love me so?” My beloved spoke, and said to me, touching the deepest places of my heart, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away.”*

“Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord, “And not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.  Jer 23:23-24, * Sol 2:10

Impacting Lives All Around

I read to him from the book in my hand. I had read it earlier, but even repeating it brought more tears. The pages shared the death of two people; how they impacted the lives around them. One was a businessman, the other was only fourteen. I was not sad. I was overcome by joy in the fact they had made their lives amount to something for others, however long, however short.

Without words he picked up his guitar and began to play. I began reading silently, enjoying my husband’s gift. He too was impacting lives all around him; I was touched to have been chosen to be one of them.

Take Me Back

Take me back to the first time…..

I smelled the ocean’s breeze

Flew above the clouds in an airplane

Walked barefoot in the grass

Saw the Redwoods towering overhead

Danced to a song

Read a story that made me cry

Heard waves crash upon a beach

Laughed without restraint

Walked in the coolness of a cave

Drank fresh water when I was thirsty

Felt the hug of one who loved me

Take me back to the first time….

I met you Father

Let every day be new again