She looked at me with desperate eyes. Her needs were so great and I could sense her desire to believe, to know she was really loved, to rebuild trust again. Leaning over to hug her seemed to break a crumbling dam. I didn’t pull back, letting her hold on as tightly as she wanted to. I could feel her warm tears dripping onto my shoulder. After a couple minutes she finally was able to speak, “I really needed a hug”.
Purpose In The Aftermath
In the aftermath of voting for another president, our nation will now move into the next season of purpose. In a country where free speech is allowed, we will hear boasting and lamenting both. I have but one response, “prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”.
* 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Season’s Air To Breathe
As the leaves fall off the trees I recognize my need to follow You into a new season again. I breathe deep into my lungs the air You alone provide.
“Sometimes, all that I need is the air that I breathe, and to love you” *
* Lyrics by Hollies, The Air That I BreatheNothing Needed To Be Said
Walking down to the lake-shore Heather turned over one of the canoes on the shoreline. Pulling it into the water she stepped inside the small boat. While still standing she picked up the wooden oar using it to push against the rocky sand below the surface, propelling the canoe forward. Heather did this until the oar could no longer reach the bottom. Sitting down she began to use the oar to paddle the canoe in an easterly direction.
The morning air was crisp. Setting the oar down in her lap, Heather pulled the zipper of her fleece hoodie up to her chin. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her sunglasses and put them on. The sun’s rising orb reflected off the water’s smooth surface like a mirror, doubling the brightness. Looking at the shoreline she saw majestic pines and could smell their refreshing scent. She marveled at the beauty of her surroundings.
Once more she picked up the oar and began paddling in a smooth rhythm. Humming she began to pray without words. Nothing needed to be said, only enjoyed.
Not Forgotten
Sitting still, I closed my eyes listening to the soft playing of a piano. While resting, I began to see faces in my mind of people I’ve had the privilege to pray with. One man in particular came to the forefront of my thoughts. He was homeless at the time and his name was William. I met him in San Francisco years ago. During a heavy rain storm he came under our tent asking some of us to pray for him. Afterwards while hugging me he spoke something into my ear; he asked me not to forget him.
It’s been five years since that meeting and I have not forgotten William and still pray for him. My heart feels an emotional pang understanding how much he means to my heavenly Father. When I think about William I hear, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
A great ache I carry in my heart is the desire to see William walking with Jesus in conversation, and that William would hear Jesus say, “I heard when you asked not to be forgotten, and you never were.” I carry that desire for all who have been prayed for by others.
The Upper Room
I put my feet upon the stairs, each step taking me higher. Eventually I make my way to the upper room; it’s here that I meet my eternal family while still upon this earth.
The Right Invitation To Accept
The invitations come to celebrate a birth, a marriage, a dinner gathering, a church service, a ball game and limitless others. With diligence we put them upon our calendars, even shopping beforehand to bring a gift. As good as all of these invitations are, they pale in light of the important invitation. That quiet voice which invites us to follow Me. The voice which says draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.
* references from scriptures in James 4:8, Matthew 4:19Melt
Taking in a deep breath I feel Your life in my chest. Thinking about You makes my heart beat faster. I whisper Your name to hear its beauty. With gladness I let tears wash my cheeks. Your eyes upon me burn deep into my very bones. I long to melt into Your chest, to be one with You.
We Cannot Keep Quiet
“But to keep this thing from spreading, we will warn them never again to speak to anyone about the name of Jesus.” Acts 4:17
We read about the powers that were in affect during biblical times. We see these same powers at work today. Don’t speak the name of Jesus in a speech to graduates. Don’t pray aloud in a classroom. Don’t put up a statue portraying Jesus in any government building. Instead we will fill the world with Greek gods and images of all things false.
It only took a handful to turn the world on its ear by standing firm to a simple declaration.
“We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20
Pleasant Words
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. Putting my hands to my mouth, I trace the outline of my lips. Looking at the clock I can see the hands ticking away so quickly. It is time to speak truth without compromise.
*Pro 16:24