Leadership can be so precarious. In times past and even now, the role of the church has been to offer hope and help. This call comes with an understanding at how influential the position of leadership can be. Many have been wrongly seduced by influence. Although it is a gift from God to receive a position of influence, our enemy comes at us with temptation to overstep our roles. Satan wanted to sit on God’s throne so he alone could receive praise and worship. His downfall is a bitterness and he is ever trying to lead us all into this same trap.
We must understand how to pray in this hour for those who are in leadership roles. God desires our eyes to be upon Him alone but our enemy comes to craftily draw us aside. The enemy wants us to set our sights on our own name, the name of our church, on our own reputation, on the works of our own hands. With open eyes we can “see” this trap and pray for those who lead us. With hearts of “love” we must protect them.