I had picked up an old book by a name someone had long ago mentioned to me. The title didn’t really appeal to me nor did the subject matter seem relevant for what I felt led to read recently. Once home I began flipping through the pages at random trying to determine if the book was meant for me or to give away.
I stopped flipping when I saw the word meekness….”Meekness implies submission to God. Not a passive submission that shrugs its shoulders and says, “Oh well, I can’t do anything about it anyway,” but an active submission, a choosing to accept God’s ways without murmuring or disputing. Meekness is neither weakness nor complacency.”*
I could feel a rising in my spirit wanting to holler, “Hooray! Yes! Yes!” to being meek. Although I’d been seeking its fruit I wasn’t quite sure that being meek would also let me be the radical woman of God I could sense I was being led to be.
Mat 5:5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.
* Kay Arthur from Lord, Only You Can Change Me