The heart of a mother is indescribable. I have seen women bloom in this motherly love but I’ve also seen women who’ve been destroyed by it. The umbilical cord may be severed at birth, but the attachments of the heart are life long. I’ve witnessed a motherly heart in those who have birthed children and those who haven’t, so I know it to be ingrained into our very DNA.
The story of Hannah is intriguing to me. She is obviously loved much by her husband but her soul cry is to have children. It’s so powerful that she makes a promise to God in her prayer. If He will give her a child, she promises to give the child to God. What blows my mind is what Hannah does when her prayer is answered. She is given a son and this woman keeps her promise! Once he has been weaned, she takes him to be schooled and raised in God’s house of priests.
Any one of us can imagine the pain of her heart to leave her young boy in the care of others for even a few days, let alone to walk away knowing he will never be in your care again. To comprehend this mother knew she’d never have his small body curl up next to her for cuddles and love? I ache just trying to imagine the sacrifice. What a faith!
The story goes on to share how God honors her faith by giving her many more children where before she had been barren. I am sure her house was filled with love by all these children. I also know her heart always had room to love and think about her first born son; her answered prayer. As I said, the heart of a mother is indescribable.