I was a tad under the weather yesterday and came home early. Drained of any real energy I just lay in bed and zoned out in front of my television set. My favorite channel to watch is the History channel. I caught bits and pieces of some historic culture called the Mayans who left behind unique and accurate calendars which are literally built into the very buildings and carved in the walls.
One of the more interesting aspects of their calendar is the claim it’s even more accurate than what we are using today and it goes back over 3000 years B.C. More fascinating however was their calendar prediction of an ending to earth as we know it. According to their count we should be looking at something to happen in 2012.
Now I am not a doomsayer but I understand who Jesus is. Both an ancient culture and the bible agree on something and that is we are in for something huge to happen to our world. I have no idea of the date or time this is to come about but I choose to live my life in a state of readiness so I enjoy everyday given to me right here and now.
When you think about it your life can turn upside down on any calendar day. Just get in your car and see if you don’t feel that roll of the dice when you are on the road.
Dearest Niece, I found your article on the Mayans quite interesting. As you know we can not predict the time of Gods return but having studied with Shepherds Chapel for over 20 years Jim and I believe that we are living in the end days. I know in my heart that Jim is more than ready. As for me I have many questions that I am always searching for the answers to. Keep on writing as I enjoy tuning in and always find what you write very interesting. You are always in my heart. Love Aunt Connie