Days are numbered for all of us in humanity and when we realize this, our perspective of time readjusts itself to the understanding that each day is precious; a gift to us. What should we do with this day?
I love a good treasure hunt myself. I set out with a prayer to ask the Lord to help me have open eyes and open ears to recognize the treasured moments our heavenly Father has already laid out for us. I can feel like a little girl saying, “Daddy, Daddy, what surprises do you have today?”
Sometimes my treasures lay hidden in someone else and how to help them. Sometimes they are gifts given to me unexpectedly. A hug, a call from a friend, you know the simple things we might overlook if we walked about with closed mindsets. As I enter into my day I am leaving my house with anticipation and I say, “let the hunt begin”.
Psalms 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it