As the pain pierces my heart, outwardly my emotions become messy. I cannot fix what is broken. It’s not in my power to do so. I stand still as the wake washes over me. The temptation has come and I fall into its maw once more. My eyes have been pulled downward and backwards to watch again the things I can never change.
He loves me too much to do nothing. He gathers tools into his bag and pulls me out into the night. I ask him where he is taking me. With a look of determination upon his face he simply says he has a place in mind. The road twists and turns. I feel distant in my thoughts. We begin to climb upward. My breathing becomes steadied. I can finally see more than my pain and search with my eyes for our destination. I have never been here before.
He tucks the vehicle into the hillside. His eyes are twinkling for what he wants to share. I get out following where he leads me. He tells me he has thought I could bring a friend here to pray over the city from a view I have never seen. It takes my breath away to see all the lights below. I put myself on the rail to look for a while.
Thoughts of my Father begin to bind up my inner wounds. How much Father loves me to show me beauty when the darkness wanted to engulf me. How beautiful Father is to show Himself tender and kind through the willing heart of my husband. His mercy fills me in ways I cannot comprehend. I want more.