You don’t really know the strength of your faith until it’s been tested. A security was recently withdrawn from my life in having a steady job with benefits and regular paychecks. It brought me quickly to a crossroads of choice. Do I fear or do I trust? Not much of a choice when you look at the details. Fear brings anxiety, worry and stress. Trust brings peace, freedom and hope.
I had a pair of work shoes I’d bought at the beginning of this job which recently had become so worn I kept thinking I should replace them because it was too noticeable they were no longer appropriate business attire. I put off replacing them I thought for convenience (I didn’t want to have to shop), and financial reasons (I’d wait for a sale), but honestly, I loved them because they were familiar and comfortable.
I made it a point to let go of them this morning. They had been my shoes for a long season which was no longer mine to walk in, and their usefulness was done. I am wondering what new pair of shoes my heavenly Father has in mind for me?
Psalms 84:11b “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly”