
“I’ll stand in front of you, I’ll take the force of the blow….protection….”

A song I listen to now and again. When I first heard it, I didn’t listen to a word. It was actually drawn into my attention a little at a time. With each new lyric I found myself finding reasons to drive around just so I could absorb it.

These words have sunk deep into my sense of understanding. When the worst of what life can offer comes at you like artillery, it’s good to have a shield to cover you. Without my protection I would have been ripped to shreds and left for dead.

My own self-protection has been exposed to the elements. It’s useless at this hour in my life. Nothing of myself is going to hold anything at bay. Come what may, I am counting on a promise.

Pro 30:5b  He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him

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