When you stand along the rim of Crater Lake looking down at the azure water, there are intense blue waters so brilliant it’s as though the lake has been dyed. I didn’t actually want to go to this place. I couldn’t imagine what would be fascinating about looking at a hole in the ground filled with water. My husband was gentle to persuade me it would be worth the drive. My perception of a hole in the ground changed that day. I think I had expected a dog bowl scene with only muddy water from some leftover volcanic ash.
Expectation is a funny thing. In my preconceived mind’s eye picture of what this place was going to be and look like, I almost dismissed a possibility to the point I wasn’t going to go out to explore it. I almost held onto my false opinion of what it was and in my selfishness I might have talked my husband into not going.
He instead was able to influence me to come see the new thing I hadn’t yet seen. I was able to enjoy this adventure because he was gentle in his persuasion. He came to me with an idea I’d never had on my own and he made his dream one I could be welcomed in too.