On the property where our friends live, there are large pastures dotted with huge oak trees everywhere you can look and a few ponds. I asked my husband to take a short walk with me on the property and we noticed in the direction of the river, a dust cloud was being kicked up by the cows.
We had the camera with us so I asked my husband to capture some pictures for me. No sooner had he gotten it out then the cows started heading in our direction. At first they were kind of meandering but then they gathered momentum and started making a whole lot of noise about our being present. Apparently we were standing on one of their familiar trails and under a favorite tree.
If you have never seen dozens of cattle coming towards you at a pretty decent run then perhaps you’ve never quite had a quick jolt of adrenaline stream into your arteries? They were making their way around us but they ran close enough to keep us still.
This encounter reminded me of a “Lewis and Clark” journal entry they had made as they explored the new territory which would become the United States. I don’t remember the exact quote but at some point in their journey they spoke of overlooking great plains filled with buffalo, caribou and other wildlife as far as the eye could see. What a wonder their eyes must have beheld?