It’s time to rethink ourselves as a people group, for real! I had an afternoon of meeting all kinds of people via the phone and let me tell you, most of them tried to verbally kick the stuffing out of me. When it comes to money; patience and kindness goes right out the window! I just knew some of these callers came from the wild where they eat their young. I don’t often look forward to my commute, but being able to get in my car today felt like a safe haven.
I often wonder what lessons I am being taught in any given situation and today was a stretch, but yes I did learn something. Raising my voice doesn’t make them listen better, so I don’t. Interruption of their venting process only fires them up for longer venting. Never tell them outright they are in the wrong. You must be very tactful to point out their errors in such a way they come to their own conclusion of the mistake. Lastly, if they really think you are doing everything you can to be helpful, occasionally you will hear an apology or even bigger words…..”thank you”
I want to say that was the note upon which my afternoon ended so it’d be all warm and fuzzy feeling, but I like to tell the truth. My last caller threatened me with, “I will be calling you back!” Her tone left no room to think the conversation was going to be any better. Removing my headset I logged off my phone and headed for the door.