This day is a marker for my life. My greatest gift was nothing that came in packages or material offerings of any kind. The gift I received with the enthusiasm of a child was a light show only my heavenly Father could provide.
I had been up north with friends who loved me enough to let me wander off alone with my husband. He and I walked a short way up a private road enjoying the silhouettes of large aging oak trees against the night sky. The heavens began to light up randomly with a lightning storm I haven’t seen in years. Finding some stones to sit upon, we enjoyed this exhibition. I broke out in childish giggles with each new display.
Wanting to see better, we made our way back to the house grabbing a couple chairs to set up closer to the river. In our new seats we were intrigued by the outline of leaves in the shape of a dragon’s head. The lightning flashes seemed to be the flames coming out of this pictorial dragon’s mouth. This was repeated multiple times and I have to say I was intrigued enough to make note of it later in my journal.
I love the way Abba Father will paint the sky for us. He is the best “Dad” in the world!