When I was on the coast I was able to enjoy a walk alone on the beach. Despite the weather not being very hot, I fulfilled my desire to feel the sand under my feet. I shucked off my shoes and socks, leaving them in a pile near a rock so I wouldn’t forget where they were. Heading to the water line I didn’t play caution but walked straight into the area waves had been rushing.
The first wave to wash over the tops of my feet felt chilling but I was refreshed by the sensation. I hadn’t anticipated the depth or the power of the water so it was a little shocking to have so much of my pant legs get soaked. The more interesting thing I took notice of was how fast the sand shifted beneath my feet making me feel as though I might topple over.
The feeling of not being solidly planted gave me an odd sensation. I wanted to remember what this felt like so I walked back and forth for a while to understand the moving sand in the waves. This took on an importance for me as I had read many times the wisdom of not building your house on an unstable foundation, but actually feeling what it must be like was a tangible lesson to be understood.
Matt 7:25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.