What would blow your mind? I was thinking about that this afternoon because I had been reading a mother’s sharing of healing happening in her son who has autism. A member of my family has also been afflicted with this condition so we continue to hope for improvement month after month and now year after year. As she told her story some of the details involved really stretched the mind for faith. Personally I read them with hope because sometimes faith is believing what you can’t yet see with your natural eyes.
I found myself hesitating though about sharing it with others. Not because her details were too fantastic to believe but more because I did believe them. No, I hesitated for sharing with friends or family because I’m not really sure if they are ready to believe such fantastic possibilities!
Now doesn’t that seem hypocritical, to go forth so boldly to share the gospel but yet pull back when it comes to sharing what Jesus has done in someone’s life to heal a disease? Clearly I have some prayer time ahead of me but I am thankful each time these inconsistencies are exposed to my consciousness. To me it means my Father still wants to show me places where I am holding back on Him.
I know I will share this woman’s story because it offers hope where there could never be enough hope, and that’s for a family member to be healed of autism.