Plato once said, “He who is not a good servant will not be a good master.”
When one contemplates the cost of being a good servant you realize that you have to be willing to give up all your own desires before you can truly be free to serve.
Plato once said, “He who is not a good servant will not be a good master.”
When one contemplates the cost of being a good servant you realize that you have to be willing to give up all your own desires before you can truly be free to serve.
As we often see though, such as in the military or business, people who are appointed to the “master” position (officer, manager, etc) are rarely promoted from the position of servant. They lack the perspective. I can’t imagine in the time of Plato and true slaves that things were much different, so was this really his study of true life or just “philosophy”?
Perhaps not his life but certainly an observation for my own. Learning to be humble enough to serve others without my own agenda is not something that comes easily or naturally. It truly is a dying to self.