Investing My Time Wisely

I’ve had some time to contemplate people I’ve met and I find myself wondering about them in the quiet moments. I can’t say I even know all their names, but still I can remember their faces or something about them that stays with me. It’s funny how we can make an impression upon one another within mere moments.  I used to wonder why, but now I just sense there is something special about them and I want to know more.

My life on this planet is too short to really “know” everyone who makes an impression upon me, so I’ve had to learn a deeper understanding that can sometimes hurt. Who to invest time into? I had never really given this much conscious thought until I started to get to know the heart of someone I think of as a dear friend. Perhaps I had done this on some subconscious level, but when you start making conscious choices about your time, and who you will spend it with, suddenly every choice matters.

More importantly, is to realize how much time matters. I don’t always choose the people I spend time with, because honestly, I would always choose those whom I already love and care about. Instead I am moved by my Father’s love to tell me who is important to Him. Because I love His heart, I am moved to invest in these “strangers who made an impression”. I am never disappointed by any of them, my Father always chooses wisely.

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